Josh is an RBT working with a client on hand washing. Handwashing is a complex skill that the client’s BCBA has broken up into a sequence of small teachable steps. Josh’s BCBA instructs him that the procedure involves Josh prompting all but the last step in the behavior chain, which is performed by the learner, who then receives reinforcement for completing the chain. When the learner shows mastery in performing the last step, Josh will then complete all but the last 2 steps in the behavior chain and reinforcement is delivered. This sequence continues until the learner completes the entire chain independently. This describes what teaching procedure?
Sydney is working with her client, Jake, on a gross motor imitation target, specifically clap hands. Jake has independently clapped hands in the past and has imitated peers clapping. Every time Sydney presents the instruction “Do this” and claps her hands, Jake will hold up his hands in front of Sydney staring at her and Sydney always completes the response for him. This illustrates an example of: