Free Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam Questions

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  • Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam Questions
  • Provided By: Google
  • Exam: Professional Machine Learning Engineer
  • Certification: Google Cloud Certified
  • Total Questions: 289
  • Updated On: Feb 18, 2025
  • Rated: 4.9 |
  • Online Users: 578
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  • Question 1
    • You work for a food product company. Your company’s historical sales data is stored in BigQuery.You need to use Vertex AI’s custom training service to train multiple TensorFlow models that read the data from BigQuery and predict future sales. You plan to implement a data preprocessing algorithm that performs mm-max scaling and bucketing on a large number of features before you start experimenting with the models. You want to minimize preprocessing time, cost, and development effort. How should you configure this workflow?

      Answer: B
  • Question 2
    • You are working with a dataset that contains customer transactions. You need to build an ML model to predict customer purchase behavior. You plan to develop the model in BigQuery ML, and export it to Cloud Storage for online prediction. You notice that the input data contains a few categorical features, including product category and payment method. You want to deploy the model as quickly as possible. What should you do?

      Answer: D
  • Question 3
    • You work for a bank. You have created a custom model to predict whether a loan application should be flagged for human review. The input features are stored in a BigQuery table. The model is performing well, and you plan to deploy it to production. Due to compliance requirements the model must provide explanations for each prediction. You want to add this functionality to your model code with minimal effort and provide explanations that are as accurate as possible. What should you do?

      Answer: B
  • Question 4
    • You work at a large organization that recently decided to move their ML and data workloads to Google Cloud. The data engineering team has exported the structured data to a Cloud Storage bucket in Avro format. You need to propose a workflow that performs analytics, creates features, and hosts the features that your ML models use for online prediction. How should you configure the pipeline?

      Answer: C
  • Question 5
    • You work for a retail company. You have a managed tabular dataset in Vertex Al that contains sales data from three different stores. The dataset includes several features such as store name and sale timestamp. You want to use the data to train a model that makes sales predictions for a new store that will open soon You need to split the data between the training, validation, and test sets What approach should you use to split the data?

      Answer: A
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