Free Google Professional-Cloud-Developer Exam Questions

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  • Google Professional-Cloud-Developer Exam Questions
  • Provided By: Google
  • Exam: Google Certified Professional Cloud Developer
  • Certification: Google Cloud Certified
  • Total Questions: 623
  • Updated On: Feb 14, 2025
  • Rated: 4.9 |
  • Online Users: 1246
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  • Question 1
    • Your application is deployed in a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. When a new version of your application is released, your CI/CD tool updates the spec.template.spec.containers[0].image value to reference the Docker image of your new application version. When the Deployment object applies the change, you want to deploy at least 1 replica of the new version and maintain the previous replicas until the new replica is healthy. Which change should you make to the GKE Deployment object shown below?


      Answer: D
  • Question 2
    • What is the recommended approach to prevent cache update problems when exposing dynamic data in a canary release strategy?

      Answer: B
  • Question 3
    • The case study involves Azgomi, a community application used for event planning, organizing sporting events, and for businesses to connect with their local communities. It has recently launched in a few neighborhoods in Dallas and is rapidly growing into a global phenomenon. Its unique style of hyper-local community communication and business outreach is in demand around the world.

      The executive statement is to take the local community services global, with the venture capital investors wanting to see rapid growth and the same great experience for new local and virtual communities that come online, whether their members are 10 or 10000 miles away from each other.

      Azgomi wants to expand their existing service with updated functionality in new regions to better serve their global customers. They plan to hire and train a new team to support these regions in their time zones. They also need to ensure that the application scales smoothly and provides clear uptime data.

      Azgomi's existing technical environment is a mix of on-premises hardware and infrastructure running in Google Cloud Platform. They have limited experience in global-scale applications.

      The business requirements are to expand the availability of the application to new regions, increase the number of concurrent users that can be supported, ensure a consistent experience for users when they travel to different regions, obtain user activity metrics to better understand how to monetize their product, ensure compliance with regulations in the new regions, reduce infrastructure management time and cost, and adopt the Google-recommended practices for cloud computing.

      The technical requirements are that the application and backend must provide usage metrics and monitoring, APIs require strong authentication and authorization, logging must be increased, and data should be stored in a cloud analytics platform. They must move to serverless architecture to facilitate elastic scaling and provide authorized access to internal apps in a secure manner.

      What is the most suitable method for Azgomi to store their application state to fulfill their business needs?

      Answer: B
  • Question 4
    • A CI/CD pipeline is being developed, which includes a version control system, Cloud Build, and Container Registry. Whenever a new tag is added to the repository, a Cloud Build job is activated. This job performs unit tests on the latest code, creates a new Docker container image, and saves it to the Container Registry. The final phase of the pipeline is to deploy the updated container to the production Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster.

      What options are available to choose a tool and deployment strategy that satisfies these conditions:

      • No downtime should be experienced

      • Automated testing should be comprehensive

      • Testing before release should be possible

      • Quick rollbacks should be supported

      Answer: C
  • Question 5
    • You are using Cloud Run to host a global ecommerce web application. Your company’s design team is creating a new color scheme for the web app. You have been tasked with determining whether the new color scheme will increase sales. You want to conduct testing on live production traffic. How should you design the study?

      Answer: D
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