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Free Dell EMC NCA-AIIO Exam Questions

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  • Dell EMC NCA-AIIO Exam Questions
  • Provided By: Dell EMC
  • Exam: AI Infrastructure and Operations
  • Certification: NVIDIA Certified Associate
  • Total Questions: 300
  • Updated On: Nov 26, 2024
  • Rated: 4.9 |
  • Online Users: 600
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  • Question 1
    • A financial institution is implementing a real-time fraud detection system using deep learning models. The system needs to process large volumes of transactions with very low latency to identify fraudulent activities immediately. During testing, the team observes that the system occasionally misses fraudulent transactions under heavy load, and latency spikes occur. Which strategy would best improve the system's performance and reliability?

      Answer: D
  • Question 2
    • A company is deploying a large-scale AI training workload that requires distributed computing across multiple GPUs. They need to ensure efficient communication between GPUs on different nodes and optimize the training time. Which of the following NVIDIA technologies should they use to achieve this?

      Answer: A
  • Question 3
    • You are planning to deploy a large-scale AI training job in the cloud using NVIDIA GPUs. Which of the following factors is most crucial to optimize both cost and performance for your deployment?

      Answer: A
  • Question 4
    • In an effort to improve energy efficiency in your AI infrastructure using NVIDIA GPUs, you’re considering several strategies. Which of the following would most effectively balance energy efficiency with maintaining performance?

      Answer: C
  • Question 5
    • You are assisting a senior data scientist in optimizing a distributed training pipeline for a deep learning model. The model is being trained across multiple NVIDIA GPUs, but the training process is slower than expected. Your task is to analyze the data pipeline and identify potential bottlenecks. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the slower-than-expected training performance?

      Answer: A
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