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Free CIPS L6M5 Exam Questions

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  • CIPS L6M5 Exam Questions
  • Provided By: CIPS
  • Exam: ELECTIVE Strategic Programme Leadership
  • Certification: CIPS Level 6 Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply
  • Total Questions: 122
  • Updated On: Nov 28, 2024
  • Rated: 4.9 |
  • Online Users: 244
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  • Question 1
    • KCJ Ltd is a public sector organisation which is looking to run 5 projects over the next financial year. Below are details of each project:
      Project 1: The budget estimate of this project is calculated using an algorithm. The project lead is the founder of the organisation.
      Project 2: The project lead is the Head of Research and Development, who has a PHD in Data Science. He has taken costing and budget information from similar projects conducted previously to decide on a budget for Project 2.
      Project 3: The project is being led by a key stakeholder and involves creating a Bill of Materials. Costs will be worked out for each item required to complete the project and totalled together.
      Project 4: The Project Leader has worked out the base cost, most likely cost and worst-case scenario for the project. His power comes from his ability to pull the plug on this project at any time.
      Project 5: This project is being led by a well-liked member of the Board of Directors. He has selected a team who he gets on well with and has decided the budget based on his own research.
      For each project, select the cost estimation method used and the source of power of the Project Leader. Complete the table below, some answers may be used twice: bottom up, 3-point estimate, parametric, analogous, expert judgement, top-down, positional (x2), personal (x2), expert, negative
      Which of the following will you put into box 4?

      Answer: B
  • Question 2
    • Dave is the Head of Human Resources at a large company. The company has decided to introduce a new process known as the Person-Organisation Fit. What will this help achieve?

      Answer: B
  • Question 3
    • In a fixed lump sum contract, this pricing mechanism doesn't allow for any changes in price. Is this statement TRUE?

      Answer: D
  • Question 4
    • Which of the following statements about the Critical Path are true? Select all that apply

      Answer: A,B,C,D
  • Question 5
    • Giant Construction Company is working on 5 large scale projects. Below are details of each project.
      Project 1: Giant is working closely with the client to construct a hospital. The client has provided an estimate of what they think the construction will cost, and any savings will be shared between the parties. This form of contract is popular in the public sector and is being used due to its flexibility.
      Project 2: This suite of contracts is known collectively as ‘the rainbow suite’ and is very rigid, not allowing for changes later down the line. The price of the construction was set on the date the contract was signed.
      Project 3: This project is for the construction of wind turbines and is an international project. The pricing mechanism accounts for the cost of construction of each individual turbine.
      Project 4: This is the most popular form of contract used in the construction industry and uses a Contract Administrator role who is responsible for the timely flow of information to all parties. The scope of the project was not clearly defined at the onset, so Giant is working with the client by sharing their costs incurred plus a small profit margin.
      Project 5: This project is for the provision of ICT services and software provision. Giant is paid when certain milestones are met in the implementation of the project.
      For each project, select the type of contract and pricing mechanism being used. Complete the table below by listing the type of contract and pricing mechanism being used for each project; CIPS, FIDIC, IMechE, JCT, Joint Venture Contract, NEC, Bill of Quantities, Cost Reimbursable, Cost plus award fee, Fixed Lump Sum, Activity Based Pricing, Target Costing.
      Which of the following will you put into box 4?

      Answer: D
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