Northern Trail Outfitters needs to send order and line items directly to an existing finance application webservice when an order if fulfilled. It is critical that eac
order reach the finance application exactly once for accurate invoicing.
Your organization wants to integrate Salesforce with an email marketing tool. The goal is to automatically send an email campaign to a customer when their status changes to “Premium”. Which of the following is a key functional requirement for this integration?
A company accepts payment requests 24x7. Once they accept a payment request, their
service level agreement (SLA) requires them to make sure each payment request is processed
by their Payment System. They track payment requests using a globally unique identifier created at the Data Entry Point. Their simplified flow is as shown in the diagram.
They encounter intermittent update errors when two or more processes try to update the same Payment Request record at the same time.
Which two recommendations should an integration architect make to improve their SLA and update conflict handling?
TechX Corporation uses a third-party system to manage its product inventory. The third-party system is integrated with Salesforce, and inventory levels are synced between the two systems every 15 minutes. As the volume of inventory items grows, TechX Corporation is seeing performance issues during sync. What should TechX consider for a scalable solution?
A new Salesforce program has the following high level abstract requirement: Business
processes executed on Salesforce require data updates between the internal systems and Salesforce Which three relevant details should a Salesforce Integration Architect seek to specifically solve for Integration architecture needs of the program?
Which three relevant details should a Salesforce Integration Architect seek to specifically solve for Integration architecture needs of the program?