An analyst at a fixed-income investment company is evaluating different ways thecompany uses to estimate the VaR of its corporate bond portfolios. The portfoliosconsist of a large number of bonds with a wide range of maturities. The analystexamines the possibility of using a mapping approach to simplify the estimationprocess. Which of the following statements would the analyst be correct to makeregarding the approaches to mapping fixed-income portfolios?
Given the following three events, what is the proper order of the CCP loss waterfall?I. Nondefaulting member’s default fund contributions are exhausted.II. Defaulting member’s collateral and default fund contributions are exhausted.III. CCP taps an amount of its equity that enables them to function normally.
Three and a half months ago, XYZ Manufacturing lost their single largest customer, and the company stopped service of all debt payments to ABC Bank. The bank has seized some collateral, but they are working with XYZ as they form plans to find new customers and build a better future. For now, the loans to XYZ Manufacturing should most likely be classified as:
A risk analyst is evaluating an investment portfolio using the Fama-French threefactormodel. The analyst regresses thirty years of weekly portfolio returns againstthe three factors of the model. The analyst obtains the following regression results:Alpha 0.10Market coefficient 0.52SMB coefficient 0.18HML coefficient -0.70Assuming all estimated coefficients are statistically significant, which of the following is correct?