You have been asked to estimate the story points for a particular story using the Fibonacci sequence. You have reviewed the story, but it seems to indicate a significant amount of work and a number of unknowns, particularly around the creation of test data. At this point, you don’t know if you’ll be able to use existing data or will have to create your own. You also don’t know how you will test the interfaces between this story and the existing code.
Given this information, what would be the proper value to assign in story points?
1) Early feedback gives the developers more time to develop new system features because they spend less time reworking features expected in a given iteration.
2) Early feedback enables agile teams to deliver features with the highest business value first, because the customer maintains focus on features with the highest system value.
3) Early feedback reduces costs because it decreases the amount of time needed for system testing.
4) Early feedback makes it more likely that the system built is what the customer wanted because they are given the opportunity to make changes throughout the iteration.
If your Agile team has an on-going need for specialized testers to conduct performance testing, which organizational structure would be most effective?