Check the following image which includes a part of activity_main.xml file of an Android
application. Which of the following choices is correct about this code?
Which of the below choices is the best answer to fill the empty space in the following
sentence? If you want to give all text widgets in an app the same format such as font color,
font size, and font family, you should add the style attribute to the TextView XML tags in
layout file and set the attribute value to the same style name. You should define that style
by adding a new style tag "style name-style_name" inside...............................
Assume you are developing an Android app which consists of two activities, MainActivity
and SecondActivity. The following image includes part of MainActivity code. This file
includes a button that has id "Mybutton". What does the following code snippet do if it is
executed after the user taps on the button (id: Mybutton)?
Android SDK platform is a set of libraries and APIs that provide necessary classes,
methods and interfaces to develop Android applications and allow you to compile your