Free Microsoft 62-193 Exam Questions

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  • Microsoft 62-193 Exam Questions
  • Provided By: Microsoft
  • Exam: Technology Literacy for Educators
  • Certification: Microsoft Certified Educator
  • Total Questions: 41
  • Updated On: Feb 20, 2025
  • Rated: 4.9 |
  • Online Users: 82
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  • Question 1
    • You are a teacher at a secondary school. You have 30 students in your class. Your
      classroom contains 10 laptop computers.
      You plan a project for the students. You will provide the students with information in three
      different formats: audio recordings, photographs, and printed documents. The students
      must combine the information to produce graphs and charts in a detailed report.
      What is the best way to organize the project?

      Answer: D
  • Question 2
    • Topic 2, Case Study 2


      General Overview

      You are ateacher at a secondary school.
      You are also the chairperson of a school committee comprised of members of the school
      administration and the team responsible for Information and Communication Technology
      (ICT) at the school.

      Description of Students

      The students at the school are between the ages of 15 and 18.

      Learning and Teaching Environment

      The school has a computer lab. The students use the lab frequently.
      All of the teachers have laptop computers that they use for teaching and administrative
      All of the teachers access the school’s network and the Internet by using a wireless

      Planned changes

      The school plans to implement the following additional ICT resources:
      An intranet
      A student management system (SMS)
      One laptop for each student. The laptops will contain curriculum content and will
      be connected to the school’s network


      Learning Objectives

      The students will be able to develop collaboration, communication, critical thinking,
      problem-solving, and creativity skills and use ICT resources in all their subjects.

      ProfessionalDevelopment Objectives

      The professional development objectives for the teachers are:
      Teachers design learning tasks that effectively incorporate ICT resources.
      Teachers implement learning tasks that can be performed either at school or at

      Learning Activities

      The teachers plan to use video-conferencing to enable the students to collaborate with
      peers and communicate with subject matter experts in various fields.

      Organizational Goals

      The school aims to have ICT integrated into all subjects’ teaching and learning. The school
      aspire to qualify for a sponsorship to help implement planned ICT changes. To qualify for
      the sponsorship, the school must write a compelling proposal stating how the new ICT
      resources will be used to further learning objectives.
      The school plans to encourage collaborative learning skills and independent learning skills.
      As part of the initial steps to writing the proposal, the school recognizes the need to
      convene a stakeholder meeting attended by the teachers, the schoolmanagement and
      administration, and the students’ parents.
      Once the school implements the planned changes, the teachers will be expected to
      incorporate student’s laptops during their lessons.

      Question No : 9 - (Topic 2)

      The teachers are concerned that their lack of experience with video conferencing will
      hinder their ability to achieve the planned lesson.
      What advice should you provide to the teachers to help them achieve the planned lesson?
      This item is part of a case study. To view the case study information, click on the Case
      Study button below.

      Answer: D
  • Question 3
    • Topic 4, Case Study 4


      General Overview

      You are a language teacher in a lower secondary school.

      Learning and Teaching Environment

      You have 30 students in your class of mixed ability. The students are 14 years old.
      Your school recently set up a computer lab. The computer lab contains the following
      One computer for the teacher
      One data projector
      One monochrome laser printer
      Two flatbed scanners
      Six digital cameras, three of which record still images and video
      25 networked computers for the students.
      The school has an intranet and is connected to the Internet. The intranet contains a central
      storage location for all of the information required by the teachers and other school staff.


      Learning Objectives

      The students will be able to expand their understanding of how language is used

      Learning Activities

      You want to teach a native language lesson on persuasive writing. The lesson focuses on
      how to use language persuasively by examining the way language is used in advertising,
      promotional material, slogans, headlines, titles, catch-phrases, quotes, and famous
      You plan to use examples of persuasive writing that are closely related to the students’
      interests, such as advertisements aimed at the youth market.
      To help achieve the learning objective, you ask the students to bring to class printed
      examples of the persuasive writing they collected during the previous week’s lesson.

      Professional Development Objectives

      Your professional development objectives for the year are to:
      use ICT effectively for teaching and learning;
      incorporate appropriate ICT activities into lesson plans so as to support students’
      acquisition of school subject matter knowledge; and
      integrate the use of ICT into the curriculum by observing other teachers who
      incorporate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into their lessons.

      Question No : 20 - (Topic 4)

      You want to identify the primary benefit of using ICT during the persuasive writing lesson.
      Which benefit should you identify?
      This item is part of a case study. To view the case study information, click on the Case
      Study button below.

      Answer: D
  • Question 4
    • Certain teachers at the school question the value of using video conferencing for the
      What is the most important benefit of video conferencing as it is being used in this project?
      This item is part of a case study. To view the case study information, click on the Case
      Study button below.

      Answer: B
  • Question 5
    • You are requested to write the proposal to qualify for the sponsorship.
      Which statement best describes the ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT)
      policygoalthat is met by implementing the new ICT resources?
      This item is part of a case study. To view the case study information, click on the Case
      Study button below.

      Answer: A
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